
Luca Bartolomei, a 26 years old PhD candidate at the University of Bologna, is passionate about computer science, with an interest in computer vision and machine learning. In particular he is delving into the field of guided stereo matching, a branch of depth estimation that fuses different kinds of depth sensors. Meanwhile, he also worked as an educational tutor for the courses of Foundations of Informatics and Logic Circuits at the Department of Industrial Engineering and at the Department of Electrical Engineering. When he was six years old, he assembled his first PC and became fascinated by computers and started acquiring experience about general computer usage. When he was thirteen years old, he first approached computer programming and decided to study computer science. During high school, he started to get interested in the field of computer vision and machine learning. In particular, his final school project was about a neural network that could classify images and receive feedback from users to improve itself. He delved into this field during his bachelor’s and master’s degree in computer engineering, both earned with honours respectively in 2020 and 2022 from the university of Bologna. The former was earned by presenting an experimental thesis on an occlusion-aware augmented reality (AR) application, integrating cutting-edge embedded monocular depth estimation technologies. The latter was achieved through the presentation of an innovative thesis in the realm of depth estimation, focusing on a novel guided matching strategy. Currently enrolled in the EIT4SEMM doctoral program, Luca aspires to become a researcher in the field of depth estimation. He is actively expanding his research skills, with the help of his supervisor and colleagues at CVLab in Bologna. After two year, Luca has demonstrated his commitment to research through the publication of papers at international conferences such as ICCV, ECCV, and 3DV. His passion for his work and his ambitions contribute to his success.

Work Experience



Teaching Tutor - Fundamentals of Computer Programming P2

2023 2024

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura

88146 - First cycle degree programme (L) in Mechatronics

Teaching Tutor - Foundations of Informatics T-1 (L-Z)

2022 2023 2024

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura

28004 - First cycle degree programme (L) in Engineering Management


  • Tosi, F., Bartolomei, L., & Poggi, M. (2025). A Survey on Deep Stereo Matching in the Twenties. IJCV.
  • Bartolomei, L., Poggi, M., Conti, A., & Mattoccia, S. (2024). LiDAR-Event Stereo Fusion with Hallucinations. In the 18th European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV 2024.
  • Bartolomei, L., Poggi, M., Conti, A., Tosi, F., & Mattoccia, S. (2024). Revisiting Depth Completion from a Stereo Matching Perspective for Cross-domain Generalization. In 2024 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) IEEE.
  • Bartolomei, L., Poggi, M., Tosi, F., Conti, A., & Mattoccia, S. (2023). Active stereo without pattern projector. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 18470-18482).
  • Aleotti F, Zaccaroni G, Bartolomei L, Poggi M, Tosi F, Mattoccia S. Real-Time Single Image Depth Perception in the Wild with Handheld Devices. Sensors. 2021; 21(1):15.


PhD Student - EIT4SEMM

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura

Engineering and Information Technology for Structural and Environmental Monitoring and Risk Management

Master's Degree - Computer Engineering

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura

Class n. LM-32 Computer systems engineering

Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 06/10/2022

Grade: 110/110 cum Laude

Bachelor's Degree - Computer Engineering

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura

Class n. L-8 Information technology engineering

Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 22/07/2020

Grade: 110/110 cum Laude

Curricular Intership

17/01/2020 - 17/04/2020
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura

Assigment: developement of a Augmented Reality app aware of occlusions using monocular depth estimation

Youth Merit Award

Rotary Club Bologna Ovest G.Marconi

Awarded for the commitment shown and the profit achieved throughout the course of studies.

High School's Degree in Computer Science

09/2012 – 07/2017
Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “O.Belluzzi – Fioravanti”

Degree in Computer Science and Telecommunications, specialization in Computer Science.

Date (yy/mm/yyyy): 04/07/2017

Grade: 100/100

Berliz Certificate

20/03/17 – 24/03/17
Berlitz Language Center, Malta

Grade: “6 General English” (B1.2)

Certificate of Merit

2014 - 2015
Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “O.Belluzzi – Fioravanti”

Awarded for achieving a good GPA in the academic year 2014/2015

“Italian Scratch Festival” Finalist

Auditorium dell’ITI Ettore Majorana Via Cantore, 119 – Grugliasco (TO)

Awarded for having been selected among the finalists of the "Italian Scratch Festival" competition organized by the Dschola Association in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science of the University of Turin and CSP innovation in ICT.